Packaging Key:
(A) = Aerosols, (Q) = Quarts, (B) = Bulk: Gallons, Pails, Drums
(SP) = Special Packaging: Tubes, Fiber Drums, Pound Cartons, Pints
Carpet |
SHAMPOW - (Dry Foam Upholstery Cleaner)
Order Code: CRC-150 |
Packaging: B |
An enzyme fortified dry foam carpet cleaner. Generates a dense, deep cleaning foam which dries, for immediate removal. |
Order Code: CRC-151 |
Packaging: B |
A chemically balanced carpet cleaner, designed for carpet extracting machines. Removes dirt, grime, grease and oil from carpeting. Completely deodorizes the carpet. Low foaming. |
VOBAN (Absorbent)
Order Code: CRC-153 |
Packaging: SP |
Quickly absorbs and deodorizes vomit, child mishaps, pet mistakes and other unpleasant spillage. This can be used on upholstery, carpeting and hard floors |
LIFT OFF (Carpet & Upholstery Spotter)
Order Code: CRC-157 |
Packaging: Q,B |
A liquid three strain, spore based product that contains living bacteria to remove the toughest stains and odors in carpeting and upholstery. Removes betadine and iodine. |
CHIP (Chewing Gum Remover)
Order Code: RCC-160 |
Packaging: A |
This product quickly freezes and embrittles chewing gum and candle wax for easy removal from any fabric or hard surface. Contains no solvents or CFC's. Will not stain or discolor surfaces. |
VANISH (Carpet Spotter)
Order Code: RCC-161 |
Packaging: A |
Will take out oil and water based stains, such as tea, soft drinks and kool-aid. Has a special inverted valve so that you can hold the can upside down and spray. Also contains an odor neutralizer. |
ASSURANCE (Carpet Shampoo and Deodorizer)
Order Code: RCC-162 |
Packaging: A |
A chemical-bacterial blend of biodegradeable cleaners and enzyme-producing bacteria that work together to safely dissolve and digest organic deposits and dirt trapped in carpet and upholstery. Pleasantly deodorizes as the natural biological action destroys orgnic wastes. Dry aerosol foam is safe, easy to use and specially designed for high traffic areas such as hallways, lobbies, showrooms and waiting rooms, minimizing out of service time. Provides continuous enzymatic cleaning action that penetrates deep into fibers where odors and stains lie. |